King Charles is risking a complete World War with a daily habit

King Charles has sparked a lot of fears over a potential World War that may instigate over his phone

Web Desk

King Charles is risking a complete World War with a daily habit

Experts fear attempts seize King Charles’ phone could really spark a world war.

Comments about the dangers this poses have been shared by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on all of this during one of her candid pieces for

In that piece the expert referenced the looming repercussions of successful phone hacking and branded it ‘major’ because of his position and standing.

In the eyes of Ms Elser, “Charles already has one cold – or perhaps lukewarm – war trundling on with a couple of residents of Santa Barbara county, and now with this Grant report, we can see he faces another one coming from the direction of Red Square or Tehran or Beijing.”

Thus, before concluding she also admitted, “Given the possibility of World War WhatsApp, suddenly the King’s leaky, troublesome fountain pen and doing business via vellum isn’t looking so ridiculous after all.”