Meghan Markle takes center stage to rehash old trauma and pain

Meghan Markle has just come under fire for trying to re-hash the same kind of old trauma and pain she wanted to walk away from

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 Meghan Markle takes center stage to rehash old trauma and pain

Meghan Markle has just been called out for rehashing the same pain she said she was ‘done’ sharing with the world.

Comments about this interview the couple did most recent has been shared by royal commentator Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for

In that piece the royal admitted that “more than three years after the royal interview to end all royal interviews,” Prince Harry and Meghan Markle “have done a fresh’un, shot in the same soft-focus, just-a-tad-more-vaseline-on-the-lens style, thus handily ensuring that their critics back in the UK have something fresh to carp on about.”

What makes this even more hard hitting is the fact that this interview with CBS Mornings was to launch a global community called Parents Network for “parents whose children have suffered from the harmful effects of social media”.

But they ended up “promptly sucked up all the oxygen” with mentions of her suicidal ideations.

This comes despite the fact that many admissions in the past about how they are “done excavating their painful royal lives and brighter futures, broad horizons and jam empires beckoned. Only, not quite it might seem.”