Upcoming movie delays Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck divorce?

Reports say the Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck movie is on the way which might explain the delay

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Upcoming movie delays Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck divorce?
Upcoming movie delays Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck divorce?

On the brink of rumoured divorce, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have been quiet for a time braving reports of a split though sources reveal why the filing has been delayed; however, a new possible reason might explain this further.

In September, Unstoppable starring J.Lo and produced under the banner of the Argo star and his partner Matt Damon Artists Equity company—is about to premiere at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival.

“Unstoppable is a tricky one because Ben and Matt are so invested in its success, even if everything you see indicates that Ben and Jennifer are ending their marriage,” an insider told In Touch.

Perhaps a delay in the filing of divorce could be attributed to the upcoming movie as to avoid any negative spillover.

Earlier, a source told Page Six that Ben is delaying the inevitable decision of separation to save his wife from further humiliation. “He’s very protective of her,” the tipster tattled.