Prince Albert echoes King Charles words to describe Princess Charlene marriage

Prince Albert makes another controversial statement about Prince Charlene amid rumours of troubled marriage

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Prince Albert echoes King Charles words to describe Princess Charlene marriage

Prince Albert made yet another controversial statement regarding his relationship with Princess Charlene after 14 years of marriage.

Albert II, Prince of Monaco, candidly revealed that he didn't fall in love with Charlene, Princess of Monaco, at first, mirroring King Charles’ infamous remark about Princess Diana.

In a joint interview with Paris Match, the royal couple discussed their early years together, with Albert admitting he initially thought Charlene was just a talented swimmer.

The Prince of Monaco was asked about his first meeting with Charlene, to which he replied, “I don’t know if we fell in love back then.”

"You know, after that, I didn’t see Charlene again for several years," he added. “First of all, I thought that she was an excellent swimmer and that she was friendly, cheerful and approachable.”

“We had a great time,” Albert continued. “I don’t know if I should say this, but that night I got her into a bit of trouble because I didn’t get her ‘home’ in time.”

Chiming in, Charlene said, “Yes, I did get into a bit of trouble that night, but we won’t go into that!”

The couple, who have been together for almost 15 years and have two children, faced rumors of separation earlier this year but have since dismissed the claims.

Albert's honest comments about their first meeting mirrors then-Prince Charles’ infamous words when he and Princess Diana sat for an interview post-engagement.

Charles was asked if he was "in love" with Diana, to which he said, "Whatever in love means."