Inside Justin Bieber, Hailey's 'delivery room drama': Report

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are expecting their baby soon

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Inside Justin Bieber, Hailey's 'delivery room drama': Report

Hailey Baldwin Bieber is reportedly dealing with some major pregnancy stress amid Justin Bieber pregnancy.

Earlier, it was reported that the Rhode founder is not on good terms with the Baldwin family and is focusing on her baby only.

But, an insider told Life & Style, “It’s led to some delivery room drama, especially in regards to who will be invited.”

They also added, “She wants the birth to be smooth and peaceful, but Hailey is majorly stressing out at this point.”

Even though Hailey’s parents, Stephen and Kenya, “would’ve loved to have had her mother by her side at the hospital, but they ’ve been having issues.”

“Plus, Hailey worries her dad would tag along and be in the waiting room posting updates to social media. That’s her biggest fear, and it’s crazy she has to worry about something like that,” the insider added. 

“Hailey is being proactive about what she expects from her delivery experience. Some are calling her controlling, but she’s blocking all of them out. For Hailey, it’s all about her and her precious baby,” they concluded.