Fact-check: Pakistan did not announce plans to supply arms to Iran at OIC meeting

Extraordinary meeting of OIC took place on August 7 in Saudi Arabia, not on August 5

Viral posts falsely claim that during an emergency meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan announced it would supply arms to Iran for use against Israel.

The claim is unfounded. No such official statement has been made by Pakistan.


On August 6, Tehran Times tweeted: “Pakistan announces intention to supply arms to Iran at OIC meeting.” This tweet had garnered over 343,000 views, 6,400 likes, and 950 reposts at the time of writing.

Tehran Times cited a report from The Jerusalem Post, which alleged that the OIC meeting of foreign ministers occurred on August 5.

Fact-check: Pakistan did not announce plans to supply arms to Iran at OIC meeting

A similar claim was circulated by another X user on the same day, which received over one million views: “Breaking. Pakistan announces its intention to supply arms to Iran against Israel at the OIC meeting.”

Fact-check: Pakistan did not announce plans to supply arms to Iran at OIC meeting


Pakistan has not made any such announcement, as confirmed by both the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs and the federal minister for information.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch informed Geo Fact Check on August 7 that the online claims were false.

Attaullah Tarar, Pakistan’s minister for information and broadcasting, also refuted the viral claims, labeling them as “not true” and “false information” on his official X account.

Fact-check: Pakistan did not announce plans to supply arms to Iran at OIC meeting

Additionally, the extraordinary meeting of the 57-member OIC took place on August 7 in Saudi Arabia, contrary to the August 5 date mentioned in The Jerusalem Post article.

On that day, Pakistan’s minister for foreign affairs issued a statement, which did not include any mention of supplying arms to Iran.

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