Reese Witherspoon completely smitten with new beau: Source

Reese Witherspoon is currently enamoured with Oliver Harmaan

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Photo: Reese Witherspoon completely smitten with new beau: Source
Photo: Reese Witherspoon completely smitten with new beau: Source

Reese Witherspoon is currently dating the German founding partner of an investment firm, Oliver Harmaan.

Spilling the beans on the new romance on The Morning Show star, an insider shared with Life & Style, “Reese is playing down this new romance, but it’s obvious she’s very all over him.”

They also addressed, “She totally lights up when she talks about him, and she’s now started saying that Jen needs to find a guy like him.”

It is pertinent to mention here that Reese Witherspoon finalized divorce from second husband Jim Toth in August 2023. Following this divorce, Reese met Oliver “through mutual friends in New York and hit it off.”

This comes after an insider previously shared with the same outlet about the new couple, “They’ve been seeing a lot of each other over the summer.”

“Reese wasn’t expecting to find romance, but she has,” the source stated and noted, “She loves to talk business and money and ways to invest, and he’s so knowledgeable.”

“The attraction grew from there,” they added before signing off from the chat.