Prince William trying too hard to become David Beckham of England

Prince William has just come under heavy ridicule for his bid to come in front of a camera with a beard

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Prince William trying too hard to become David Beckham of England
Prince William trying too hard to become David Beckham of England

Prince William has just been called out for his bid to show up in front of a camera, with a beard.

A comment about this decision has been shared by royal author and commentator An Wilson.

He thoughts have been shared in a piece for the Daily Mail and focuses on the heir’s Olympics video congratulating Team GB for their achievements in the 2024 Paris games.

In the piece Mr Wilson wrote, “It is perfectly reasonable for sailors not to shave on the high seas, where the swaying of the ship in stormy rollers would make the wielding of a cut-throat razor an enterprise of hazard.

But this is not the sort of beard William is sporting. It is more of a design statement, an attempt to look a little hip. Is it a coincidence that, in the video of him congratulating Team GB, the other two men wearing stubbly, carefully shaped little chin-growths are David Beckham and Snoop Dogg?

We do not complain about David Beckham sporting such an unappealing facial adornment since a meterosexual is what he pointedly and deliberately is. But we do not want the Prince of Wales to be such a figure.”

While the expert did make it clear that he does not want Prince William to be exactly like his father, still, “the sort of beard he is sporting – like the beard of his brother Harry – gives off all the wrong signals. It is urban chic.”

He also pointed out how Prince William’s social standing makes it even more shudder-worthy by saying, “Royal personages should always be well-turned out, whether in formal attire or on occasions where casual dress is demanded. But they should not be chic. They should be above fashion.”

“And that is what makes me shudder about Prince William's effort. He's trying to be the David Beckham of the Royal Family, and it won't do. Please, sir – shave it off,” he added before signing off from the conversation completely.