Paris Hilton braves 'heartbreaking' fire on set of upcoming music video

Paris Hilton's trailer on the set of her upcoming music video, caught on fire

Web Desk
Paris Hilton braves heartbreaking fire on set of upcoming music video
Paris Hilton braves 'heartbreaking' fire on set of upcoming music video

Paris Hilton just escaped a disaster!

The American socialite took to her official social media account, on Friday, to document her trailer catching fire, on the set of her upcoming music video.

The 43-year-old DJ has been working on the visuals of the song titled, Bad B**** Academy, that features iconic stars, Heidi Klum, Lance Bass and Meghan Trainor.

Source: Instagram Stories
Source: Instagram Stories

Sources reported to TMZ that Hilton was present on set when her trailer burst into flames, that contained custom apparel by Swarovski and different accessories like sunglasses, purses and technical devices such as computers.

A devastating picture was uploaded by the Stars Are Blind singer, after the fire was extinguished, that showed the walls of the trailer burnt black and the roof half fallen apart.

However, Hilton informed her followers that “everyone is safe” adding that she and Heidi braved the incident as the “show must go on.”

Even though the Los Angeles Fire Department was called to handle and investigate the unfortunate incident, a particular cause that led to the fire still remains a mystery, according to different insiders of the outlet.