Timothee Chalamet competing with Leonardo DiCaprio: Source

Leonardo Di Caprio is reportedly Timothee Chalamet's mentor

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Photo: Timothee Chalamet competing with Leonardo DiCaprio: Source
Photo: Timothee Chalamet competing with Leonardo DiCaprio: Source

Timothee Chalamet is reportedly following in Leonardo DiCaprio’s footsteps to make his mark in Hollywood.

As fans will be aware, the boyfriend of Kylie Jenner has a deep admiration for the Titanic veteran.

Speaking of their bond, an insider shared with Life & Style, “Timmy is open about his admiration for Leo and even about the times he has directly sought Leo’s advice.”

However, they mentioned, “But there’s definitely a double-edged sword to this kind of obsession he has to be aware of.”

“Leo has devoted his entire adult life to being a certain kind of movie star,” the sourced noted and added, “carefully picking projects and cultivating a global fan base.”

“It can be a very lonely life at the top and it’s obviously kept Leo from starting a family of his own or even having much of a personal life outside of his lavish vacations and his environmental work,” they continued.

In addition to this, the source claimed that Timothee’s number one priority is to become a much more celebrated actor than Leonardo Di Caprio.

“I can tell you,his number one priority is to build a career that’s even bigger than Leo’s – by any means necessary,” the source remarked in conclusion.