Meghan Markle 'yearns for' royal life but wants to get paid for duties

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are said to be 'cherry picking' royal duties

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle miss their royal duties, but the Duchess only wants to do them if she’s paid.

According to royal expert Duncan Larcombe, Harry and Meghan’s ongoing tour of Columbia shows that they miss certain parts of being working royals.

“For a couple that deliberately turned their back on full-time royal life and what that entails, Harry and Meghan seem to be doing exactly what royals do," he told OK!.

“The trip to Colombia is a classic tour that they might have been expected to undertake if they’d stayed in Britain all along. The tour they did in Nigeria, exactly the same - it was a royal tour in every way but name,” he explained.

He pointed out: “They said they couldn’t stand the life, they didn’t like the institution - but the actual work of being a royal is something Meghan - and Harry - clearly yearn for."

He shared his opinion on what exactly Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex misses about royal life, saying, “being the centre of attention, where she is able to do high-profile royal jobs, like her tour of Australia and her trip to South Africa. That had given her a taste of what royal life could have been like.”

However, by going on tours, he says the couple is “cherry-picking the jobs they do.”

He added: “Also, unfortunately Meghan has commercialized what she does - they get paid, and paid handsomely. They may not get paid for Colombia, or their pseudo-royal tour to Nigeria, but they’re using their brand to rake in a lot of money - selling commercial products, doing set deals with the likes of Netflix. Meghan may yearn for a royal life, but she seems to only want to do things if she’s paid for them.”