Sir Ian McKellen reveals psychological impact of ‘horrible' fall during play

Sir Ian McKellen fell down during a West End show and sustained injuries

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Sir Ian McKellen fell down during a West End show and sustained injuries
Sir Ian McKellen fell down during a West End show and sustained injuries

Sir Ian McKellen, 85, is still afraid to go outside after he suffered a fall during a West End show.

Ian was playing John Falstaff in the production at the Noel Coward Theatre in London's West End on June 17. The actor tripped and fell from the stage into the audience, suffering a broken wrist and chipped vertebrae.

Ian opened up about his injuries in a new interview with Saga Magazine, saying, “My chipped vertebrae and fractured wrist are not yet mended.”

“I don't go out because I get nervous in case someone bangs into me, and I've got agonizing pains in my shoulders to do with my whole frame having been jolted,” he shared.

“But I was wearing a fat suit for Falstaff and that saved my ribs and other joints. So I've had a lucky escape really. I've relived that fall I don't know how many times. It was horrible,” he added.

The Lord of the Rings star also opened up about the psychological impact of the fall: “I thought it was the end of something. It was very upsetting. The end didn't mean my death. It was my participation in the play.”

“I have to keep assuring myself that I'm not too old to act and it was just a bloody accident. I didn't lose consciousness, I hadn't been dizzy, but I've not been able to go back and they still played without me,” he added.

Sir Ian remained hospitalized for three days after his fall and couldn't complete the slew of shows due to his injuries.