How Snooki and husband Jionni LaValle chill when kids are asleep

'Jersey Shore' star Snooki talks her proudest moments from the show and her struggle finding alone time

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How Snooki and her husband Jionni LaValle chill when kids are asleep
How Snooki and her husband Jionni LaValle chill when kids are asleep

Snooki is spilling the beans on how she and her husband Jionni LaValle make up for lost time when their kids are asleep.

The Jersey Shore star Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi was recently speaking of how 'rare' and 'hard' it is for her and Jionni to have any 'alone time' on their hands.

"We were just talking about him and me going to Atlantic City for the weekend, just me and him for a night," she told People.

"Just gambling and then going to dinner and then just like having me and him time because it's just so hard, especially in the summer," the outlet quoted her.

But when they're home, Snooki reveals they 'never have time to go on dates because of the kids' sport schedules.'

Their only loophole to 'chill' alone is when the kids go to bed. 

"So, when the kids go to sleep, we'll go in our spare room, we'll have wine. I'll make like a little charcuterie board and we'll watch a scary movie," she went on.

"It's the best and I feel like that's real to us because we like to chill. We don't like the dramatics of everything. So those are like our favorite moments."

Snooki, 36, and Jionni, 37, met while she was shooting season 3 of the hit MTV show in the summer of 2010. The couple then wed in 2014.

The reality star also spoke fondly of the show, recalling some proud moments from Jersey Shore.

"As for my proudest Jersey Shore moment, I would say it's finding Jionni at Karma," she said referring to a nightclub.

"I really am proud of getting married and having our kids," she expressed at another point in the interview.