Meghan Markle told to quit fake ‘outfit changes' in scathing rant

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry urged to end their rival royal tours after Colombia

Web Desk

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry lack credibility as the mark and end to their Colombia tour.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who added their Royal stardust in the South American region, are dragged for ‘faking’ their regal status.

Royal author Robert Jobson tells The Sun: "It wasn't just fast and loose with the truth, a lot of it was complete baloney."

He added: "They tried to give it an impression of a quasi-royal tour, they had elements of politics and elements of caring for young kids.

"At the end of the day what I don't understand is, if Meghan and Harry wanted to do 'quasi-royal tours' why not stick around and do it properly,” the expert continued.

"Then they would have been doing it for the King and the country which is what Harry always bangs on about,” he noted.

Jobson then advices the Duke and Duchess ti focus on the simpler things in life instead of their usual ‘grand moments’

Jobson said: "Just do things that are authentic, and just do things that are real rather than staged with loads of outfit changes.”