Buckingham Palace incident video goes viral

Buckingham Palace latest incident sparks reactions

Web Desk

King Charles III's official residence is once again making headlines as the video of the latest incident at Buckingham Palace has gone viral.

The unfortunate moment at the Palace was surprisingly caught on camera, sparking reactions from social media users.

The viral video shows the moment the guard's foot slips out from under him mid-march and he lands on the ground on his backside, before quickly jumping back up and recomposing himself.

The incident reportedly occurred last Sunday when a visitor surprisingly filmed the embarrassing moment during his appearance at the iconic royal residence.

Luckily, the guard remained unhurt in the mishap as he quickly got back up even though his rifle also fell on floor. However, he was little red-faced to match his tunic.

A radiographer from Liverpool, who captured the moment,  said: "I was just filming randomly, and he just slipped right over. I had to watch the video back to believe it.

Anthony, according to the Mirror, added: "People watching were shocked - everyone was saying 'did that just happen?'. The guard jumped back up quickly and recomposed himself, then he was straight back into action."

The clip attracted massive reactions from social media users, with some wishing the best of luck for the unfortunate guard.