Queen Camilla urges King Charles to 'slow down' amid cancer battle

King Charles' 'workaholic' nature worries Queen Camilla amid his cancer battle

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Queen Camilla urges King Charles to 'slow down' amid cancer battle

Queen Camilla is concerned about King Charles' health due to his ongoing battle with cancer.

Insiders revealed that as King Charles continues to push himself the Queen wants him to "slow down" according to Daily Beast report.

King Charles has maintained a demanding schedule, including a recent trip to Southport to meet with families affected by a tragic incident. This visit came just days after King Charles interrupted his holiday at Balmoral to fulfill royal duties.

Now Queen Camilla, along with other insiders at Buckingham Palace, worries that King Charles' relentless work ethic may hinder his recovery.

"Of course, she understands it was very important and there is no way she would try to tell Charles what to do, but it seems to be extraordinary timing," an insider told the outlet.

They added, "She wants him to slow down, she is afraid he is working too hard, and that’s before you even get to the Australia tour."

Additionally, another source told the outlet that despite there being "a lot of positive spin about the king doing well, getting back to work and so on" but it is important to understand that "he has cancer. He is not well." They suggested that King Charles "looked frail" during his Southport visit on Tuesday.

The Queen is repeatedly "trying to encourage him to slow down. Of course, he wants to keep cracking on, but she is afraid that doing too much could set him back."

The outlet also reported that despite these worries, a friend of the King defended his decision to continue working, stating "Charles is and always has been a workaholic. This is his destiny," adding, "Whatever time remains to him will be spent doing the job to the best of his ability."