Lily Allen receives stern letter from animal charity after her dog comments

PETA sent Lily Allen a strongly worded letter after she returned her dog to shelter

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Lily Allen receives stern letter from animal charity after her dog comments
Lily Allen receives stern letter from animal charity after her dog comments

Lily Allen is facing a backlash after she revealed returning her dog to shelter.

On her Miss Me? podcast, Lily recently revealed that she returned her dog to a shelter when it ate her family’s passports and visas.

This admission has sparked strong reaction from fans and animal advocates.

PETA also responded by sending Lily a toy dog, accompanied by a strongly worded letter from Elisa Allen, a representative from the organization, according to The Sun.

The letter criticized the singer’s decision, stating, "It really is the only animal you should be bringing into your home."

They added, "Dogs should never be treated as accessories to be discarded when they become inconvenient."

Lily, who lives in New York with her husband, David Harbour, and her two daughters, Ethel, 13, and Marnie, 11, admitted that the incident was a turning point.

She explained that the dog, named Mary, had caused significant disruptions in her life, stating, "I cannot tell you how much money it cost me to get everything replaced, because it was in Covid and so it was just an absolute logistical nightmare."

"And because the father of my children lives in England, I couldn't take them back to see their dad for like four months, five months, because this f****** dog had eaten the passports," Lily added.