Quentin Tarantino hurls shocking remarks at Alec Baldwin after 'Rust' verdict

Quentin Tarantino targets Alec Baldwin despite 'Rust' court orders in his favour

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Quentin Tarantino hurls shocking remarks at Alec Baldwin after Rust verdict
Quentin Tarantino hurls shocking remarks at Alec Baldwin after 'Rust' verdict

Quentin Tarantino still holds Alec Baldwin responsible despite court orders in Rust shooting case.

The Pulp Fiction director was discussing the 2021 fatal shooting on Sunday's episode of Bill Maher's podcast Club Random when he said Baldwin was 10% to blame for Halyna Hutchins' death on the sets of Rust.

"It's a situation, I think I'm being fair enough to say, that the armourer—the guy who handles the gun—is 90% responsible for everything that happens when it comes to that gun... but but but but but.... the actor is 10% responsible," Tarantino asserted on the podcast.

"You are a partner in responsibility to some degree," he further said of Baldwin.

Tarantino went on to stress the actors' responsibility to personally inspect their weapons to make sure there are no bullets in the barrel or other issues before using them in scenes.

The incident dates back to October 2021 when Baldwin, 66, was rehearsing a cross-draw maneuver with the revolver when the gun went off, killing Hutchins and wounding director Joel Souza, Daily Mail reported.

Halyna Hutchins, 42, was a mother of one and an aspiring cinematographer when she was fatally shot on the set of Rust.

As per reports, six members of the camera crew had also quit the night before the incident because of safety concerns.

The filming of the movie resumed later on under an agreement with Hutchins's husband, Matthew Hutchins, which made him an executive producer. The completed movie has not yet been released for public viewing.