Bella Hadid's beau spills beans about early days of romance with her

Bella Hadid's boyfriend Adan Banuelos shared details about the start of the romance in the couple's relationship

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Bella Hadids beau spills beans about early days of romance with her
Bella Hadid's beau spills beans about early days of romance with her

Bella Hadid's boyfriend Adan Banuelos opened up about the couple's beginning romance of their relationship.

The 27-year-old model's cowboy partner stated that she “happily” moved into his 5th-wheel trailer, while appearing on the Along For the Ride podcast earlier this month.

During the podcast, the Mexican-American horseman gushed while talking about his lady love, “she did do the 5th wheel, happily. It was badass.”

In regards to Hadid, he emphasized on her importance who understood his lifestyle before they progressed further as he stated, “It was cool because I really wanted that to be a part of our relationship."

Furthermore, he detailed about the beginning of their romance by saying, "You know, you start having feelings for somebody and you start thinking things like, 'Man, maybe this is the rest of my life here' and knowing that she is that simple of a human being and that the material things aren’t important, or the most important thing.”

According to Daily Mail, the equestrian also joked that having Hadid living in the trailer made it feel like a mansion.

Additionally, Adan expressed how impressed he was with Bella's down-to-earth attitude as he also revealed that she would wake up at "2:30 in the morning" to bring everyone breakfast during competitions.

As per the publication, Bella is an avid equestrian and has competed in events while taking home two rodeo buckles in April, which her mother Yolanda proudly documented at the time.

To those unversed, as per TMZ, she notably moved to Fort Worth and purchased a home in a rural neighborhood, but is “close enough to urban amenities.”