Prince George, Prince Louis set example for estranged William, Harry

Prince George, Prince Louis break free of generational Royal family trauma

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Prince George, Prince Louis set example for estranged William, Harry
Prince George, Prince Louis set example for estranged William, Harry

Prince George and Prince Louis are forging a sweet and strong brotherly bond, one that is vastly different from the complicated relationship between their father, Prince William, and his brother, Prince Harry.

The little princes seem to be breaking free from generational royal family trauma as they enjoy their childhood, with Louis always eager to follow George's lead and do whatever he suggests.

Sharing insights into their brotherly bond, a source told Life & Style that George and Louis have started to "really bond" in recent months, with Louis becoming more fun and less annoying to George.

“Louis is becoming more fun and seems less like an ‘annoying little brother.’ He’s always up for doing whatever George wants to do,” the source noted.

They said that Louis “gets to tag along a lot more often now, and George is realizing he’s actually a good little buddy to have around!”

With Princess Charlotte having her own friends and interests, George and Louis get a lot of time to spend together, the publication revealed.

Sharing the mischievous details of the Royal brothers’ bond, the insider noted that Louis “tries to convince George to do cheeky things with him.”

“They’ll raid the kitchen for snacks after dinner when they’re not supposed to or pull pranks on their parents or tease Charlotte — things George would normally think himself too old to do but that he also enjoys because it’s fun to be a little kid again with Louis.”

The second in line to the British throne, George, is said to be very “protective of Louis, though he doesn’t have to stand up for him” as “Louis can carry his own.”

George and Louis’ appear to be creating an example for their father, the Prince of Wales, and uncle, the Duke of Sussex, who have not talked to each other since Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in 2022.