Winona Ryder reveals she faced 'difficult experiences' in acting career

Winona Ryder shares she was harassed as a young actress

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Winona Ryder reveals she faced difficult experiences in acting career
Winona Ryder reveals she faced 'difficult experiences' in acting career

Winona Ryder, who began her acting career in the 1980s, has revealed she went through “a couple of difficult experiences."

Speaking to the magazine Esquire UK, the 52-year-old actress, who stars in the upcoming Tim Burton’s 1988 movie Beetlejuice sequel, shared that she was “s**ually harassed” in the early days of her career.

Reflecting on her first meeting with disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Winona revealed that he did not hire her as “I think I knew a little bit too much."

“I think (not being hired by him) was (for) various reasons,” she also said. “The one time I was supposed to have a meeting with (him), I went to the Miramax office and I extended my hand and he shook my hand and I sat on the couch and we had a conversation and I left.”

“And (afterwards) I got like screamed at (by an agent),” the Night on Earth star added. “‘What the f*** did you do?’ I was like, ‘What?’ Apparently, I offended him because I extended my hand?”.

Winona further shared that “I had a couple of difficult experiences with a couple of people who were just blatantly sexually harassing me."

“And then it happened again in my 30s. It wasn’t an assault. But it was incredibly inappropriate. It was wild,” she added.