Kate Middleton's increased outings suggest positive cancer recovery: Source

Princess of Wales has maintain a sense of normalcy during her cancer battle

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Kate Middleton's increased outings suggest positive cancer recovery: Source

Kate Middleton is showing signs of her recovery with increasing public appearances.

Amid Kate's ongoing battle with cancer, sources have recently noted that the Princess of Wales' increasing presence in public is a positive indicator of her ongoing recovery, according to In Touch report.

Just five months after revealing her diagnosis, Kate was seen enjoying a day out with her family at the Gone Wild Festival near their home in Norfolk, England.

Witnesses reported that she actively participated in family games, including a Nerf battle and playing "stuck in the mud" with her kids.

Despite undergoing chemotherapy, which has involved "good days and bad days," the Princess of Wales is "getting back toward her normal schedule."

"Kate has been out and about increasingly more often, which is a hugely encouraging sign that she’s continuing to heal and slowly but surely getting back toward her normal schedule."

According to insider, "The locals give her space, they’re very respectful and don’t pry or gossip, which is comforting for Kate and the whole family."

They added that Kate has been working to maintain a sense of normalcy for her children and herself, saying, "not just because it lifts her own confidence, but it also reassures the kids that they’re going to be OK."