Nicole Kidman recalls ex-Tom Cruise in 'Eyes Wide Shut'

Nicole Kidman comments about her ex-Tom Cruise comes across as rare

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Nicole Kidman recalls ex-Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut
Nicole Kidman recalls ex-Tom Cruise in 'Eyes Wide Shut'

In discussing her 1999's Eyes Wide Shut, Nicole Kidman opens up about working with director Stanley Kubrick and her ex-husband Tom Cruise.

During an interview with the Los Angeles Times, the Oscar winner referring to the filmmaker said, "I suppose he was mining it, "here were ideas he was interested in. He'd ask a lot of questions. But he had a strong sense of the story he was telling."

She continued, "I do remember him saying, 'Triangles are hard. You have to tread carefully when it's a triangle.'"

Adding, "Because one person could feel ganged up on,"  "But he was aware of that and knew how to manage us."

Elsewhere in the interview, Nicole recalls she and her ex had a different equation with Kubrick.

"There's something about being a woman in that equation, too. And Stanley liked women. He had a different relationship with Tom. They worked more closely together on his character."