Claire Danes recounts 'My So-Called Life' filming experience

'My So-Called Life' was the beginning of Claire Danes' Hollywood career

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My So-Called Life was the beginning of Claire Danes Hollywood career
'My So-Called Life' was the beginning of Claire Danes' Hollywood career

Claire Danes real life was not so different from her fictional life in My So-Called Life.

In honor of the show’s 30th anniversary, Danes is taking a trip down the memory lane and appreciates the show for an accurate portrayal of a teenager's life in the 1990s.

Danes recalled reading the script for the first time and how accurate it was, "I was exactly Angela's age, maybe even a slight bit younger, but I don't think I had ever read a more accurate account of the experience that I was having at that moment."

"I was just so thrilled to have my internal life articulated for me," she continued in an interview with People. "It's just an astonishing piece of writing, and I don't quite know how [series creator] Winnie [Holzman] did that, how she time traveled as thoroughly as she did, and reentered her 14-year-old self, or some version of that."

The Romeo and Juliet star added: "It was very intuitive, and I didn't have to reach very far. There was no sensory exercise that I had to perform. It was all immediately available to me."

My So-Called Life had only one season and followed Angela’s life as she navigated high school. The show also starred Jared Leto, A.J. Langer, Wilson Cruz, Devon Odessa and more.

Danes also revealed that the show had strict rules for underage actors.

"I was only able to work 10 hours a day, because I was a minor," she shared. "And three of those hours had to be in my trailer with my tutor."

"So every second spent on that set was really precious," continued the Stardust actress. "... But it was great. It was just an amazing introduction to television and film."

She also praised the show’s cast and crew for creating a safe space for her, saying, "I feel very blessed that that was my entry point and that I was working with such gifted, creatively ambitious, and also very thoughtful, caring, sane, nurturing people. It was a really good group, and we're all still very close, which is amazing. It's wonderful."

All 19 episodes of My So-Called Life can be streamed on Hulu.