Sir Ian McKellen promises to be 'back' on stage after 'nasty' fall

Sie Ian McKellen updates fans about his recovery from serious accident

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Sie Ian McKellen updates fans about his recovery from serious accident
Sie Ian McKellen updates fans about his recovery from serious accident

Sir Ian McKellen has promised to make a return to the stage after recovering from a serious accident.

McKellen, 85, fell on stage in Player Kings at London's West End, resulting in a broken wrist and chipped vertebra.

Speaking about the incident on BBC Breakfast, McKellen revealed that he was moving about on stage when his foot became caught on a chair.

"It was a nasty fall and it was a shock. I fractured my wrist, what every kid does when they fall off their bike and I clipped my vertebra," he said.

He credited the fat suit he wore for his role as Shakespeare’s Falstaff with cushioning the fall, helping to prevent more severe damage.

The actor emphasized that the accident was purely accidental, saying, "It wasn't that I was feeling dizzy or anything like that, it was a pure accident."

Despite the painful experience, McKellen remains positive and reassured fans that he is recovering well.

He expressed regret for missing his tour dates in Bristol, Birmingham, and Newcastle, but promised to return to the stage in the future.

"It did mean that I couldn't do the tour so if there is a chance for me to apologise to the audience in Bristol, Birmingham and Newcastle. I'm sorry I wasn't there but I'll be back," he said.