Meghan Markle suffers soul crushing defeat at the hands of big Hollywood hotshot

Meghan Markle has found herself being hit with a soul crushing defeat, that too from a major Hollywood hotshot

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Meghan Markle suffers soul crushing defeat at the hands of big Hollywood hotshot
Meghan Markle suffers soul crushing defeat at the hands of big Hollywood hotshot

Meghan Markle has just been handed a major shock by one Hollywood hotshot and insiders suspect its ‘soul curshing’ for the Duchess of Sussex.

All of this has been brought forward by an inside source that is close to the Montecito royals.

During their interview with Closer magazine the source noted, “Having this news about the ratings come out straight after it was announced David’s becoming an ambassador for The King’s Foundation has only gotten Meghan’s back up more.”

With this out in the open, “There’s absolutely no denying whose side David and Victoria are on in all this, they aren’t even trying to hide it,” the source noted before admitting that its especially true for Meghan because “she really wanted to make up with them.”

“Don’t forget she’s been a huge fan of Posh since the Spice Girls days,” the insider also pointed out.

“The first time she was in the same room as Victoria she was so starstruck she practically shouted with excitement, they were, of course, front and centre at their wedding six years ago. So to now have both Victoria and David so clearly aligned against her and Harry has got to be pretty soul crushing.”

“And beyond just David officially teaming up with the royals, the pair of them are now flexing their muscles in the entertainment world,” the insider also chimed in to say before signing off.