Halsey reveals she became obsessed with making doll houses during health struggles

Halsey reveals how she spent her time at home after being diagnosed with a rare disorder

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Halsey reveals she became obsessed with making doll houses during health struggles
Halsey reveals she became obsessed with making doll houses during health struggles

Halsey has revealed that she used her time to focus on a new hobby when she was stuck at home after being diagnosed with Lupus and a rare lymphoproliferative disorder.

Speaking to Paper magazine, the 9-year-old pop star revealed that she became obsessed with making doll houses while battling ill health.

“It was something I could do inside, and it was something I could do that was creative, and it was something quiet that I could do when my son was asleep,” said Halsey. I couldn’t go out, obviously, I couldn’t drink, I couldn’t be in a social environment.”

"I was home a lot, and I just heard about doll housing, and I loved it,” she added.

"I knew if I started playing music again, I wanted to be able to play piano and guitar. I couldn’t practice either while my kid was asleep at night, so I was doing doll housing, and I just got so obsessed with it,” explained the Bad At Love hitmaker.

“I started building furniture from scratch, and then making my own wallpaper,” added Halsey.