Prince Harry officially makes clear where his loyalties lie

Prince Harry has finally made it clear where his loyalties lie in life

Web Desk
Prince Harry officially makes clear where his loyalties lie
Prince Harry officially makes clear where his loyalties lie

Prince Harry has finally gotten candid and made revelations about where his loyalties lie.

All these comments and accusations have been issued by royal commentator Sarah Vine.

She weighed in everything in one of her pieces for the Daily Mail.

In that piece she highlighted the subtle sign the prince has been giving since he attended Lord Robert Fellows funeral in late August.

According to Ms Vine, “He’s always had the look of that side of the family, with that red hair so reminiscent of his uncle’s; now he’s confirming where his loyalties lie.”

And so “this snub to his father and brother sends a clear, unequivocal message.”

And proves that “Prince Harry is not offering any kind of olive branch; he’s doubling down.”

For those unversed the comments are in reference to the fact that the Duke chose to reside with the Spencer’s during his stay, instead of one of the royal lodges that are on offer by King Charles.