Prince Harry exempting no one from his bitterness with fresh new wound

Prince Harry’s bid to hit his brother with wounds has just been called out

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Prince Harry exempting no one from his bitterness with fresh new wound
Prince Harry exempting no one from his bitterness with fresh new wound 

Prince Harry has just been called out for his constant bashing spree as well as a bid to exempt no one from his bitterness.

Royal commentator Sarah Vine made these comments in her interview with the Daily Mail.

During that converastion she began by saying, “Like so many people who carry a great pain inside them, Prince Harry knows how to wound.”

And “The last few years have been one long, drawn-out exercise in lashing out against those he believes have wronged him.”

“Not even his late grandmother, Elizabeth herself, was exempt from his bitterness. He made her last few years on this earth very difficult indeed," she pointed out while doubling down on her claims.

For the rest of the public it looks as if, "The more William pivots towards duty, the more Prince Harry faces the other way, allying himself with his mother’s bloodline, the House of Spencer.”