Prince Harry trying to find a new person to punish for his loss

Prince Harry trying to find a new person to punish for his loss

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Prince Harry trying to find a new person to punish for his loss
Prince Harry trying to find a new person to punish for his loss

Prince Harry has just been called out for his bid to find people to punish

Prince Harry has just been accused of actively trying to punish other people for the loss he experiences

Comments about everything have been shared by royal commentator and author Sarah Vine.

She weighed in on everything during one of her most recent pieces for the Daily Mail.

In it she pointed out how, “Harry clearly takes a more one-sided view, and has said as much in his various attacks on screen and in print against his father.”

“In fact, many of the Duke’s difficulties, especially over the past few years, arguably stem from what he sees as the ultimate betrayal of his mother by his father.”

At one point in her piece she also hypothesized that “Not only does he need someone to blame for his loss – he also needs someone to punish.”

And “To begin with, it was just his father and, in private, Queen Camilla.”

“But now Prince William is being punished, too (along with Kate) for their decision to put duty ahead of anything else.” Ms Vine added before signing off.