Here's how Billie Eilish crafts the perfect flow of her albums

Billie Eilish shares her preference for albums over singles

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Heres how Billie Eilish crafts the perfect flow of her albums
Here's how Billie Eilish crafts the perfect flow of her albums

Billie Eilish has recently shared her preference for albums over singles.

Speaking on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Eilish discussed her latest album, Hit Me Hard and Soft, which has already achieved Platinum status.

"I’ve always been such an album lover, and I really love when something feels like one piece and is cohesive and is thought through," Eilish said.

She added, "Specifically with this album… the set list and all the songs and the order of them where they all sit… we really worked hard on it."

While many artists are shifting toward releasing singles to cater to shorter attention spans, the Grammy-winning artist stands by the album format.

The singer explained that creating an album involves a lot of thought, saying, "It’s a long process."

Eilish continued, "I’ll write down all the names and then I’ll tear them up and then I’ll move them and then change them around and then take some out and put them back in to make sure that it feels right. And then I’ll listen to them back to back and then sometimes they’ll sound wrong and I’ll move them."

"It’s all about dynamics and the flow of it, And also, once we choose it, it’s making all of the songs kind of go into themselves so they all flow," Eilish added.

She cited The Beatles’ White Album as a prime example of an album that successfully achieves this cohesion.