Elton John reveals biggest fear from Princess Diana's funeral

Elton John attended Princess Diana’s funeral on September 6, 1997

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Elton John reveals biggest fear from Princess Diana's funeral

Elton John was one of the late Princess Diana’s celebrity friends and attended her funeral on September 6, 1997.

Elton also had to sing during the service, which left the singer considerably nervous as he had to sing an adapted version of his song Candle in the Wind.

In his autobiography Me, he recalled his fear at the funeral, writing, "It wasn’t suffering from stage fright. What if I went into autopilot and sang the wrong version?"

The Cold Heart hitmaker was known for being against the use of teleprompters while singing, and yet, he insisted on having one for the funeral.

He explained: "Up until then, I’d been against their use. Partly because it seemed antithetical to rock and roll’s spontaneous spirit — I’m pretty sure Little Richard wasn’t reading off an Autocue when he recorded Long Tall Sally — and partly because I just thought: Come on, do your job properly”

Despite getting a teleprompter, Elton was still afraid he’d sing the original version: “I’d performed Candle In The Wind hundreds of times. It wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility that I might lose myself in the performance, forget about the teleprompter and start singing the original lyrics.”

Elsewhere in the book, he also criticized how Prince Harry and Prince William were made to walk behind their Princess Diana’s coffin.

“I thought the way they were treated that day was absolutely inhuman. They were forced to walk through the streets of London behind their mother’s coffin, told to show no emotion and look straight ahead. It was a horrendous way to treat two kids who’d just lost their mum,” Elton John wrote.