Princess Anne carries on late Queen Elizabeth's legacy in 'the best' ways

Princess Anne remains significant member of the royal family despite not being high in the line of succession

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Princess Anne carries on late Queen Elizabeths legacy in the best ways
Princess Anne carries on late Queen Elizabeth's legacy in 'the best' ways

Is Princess Anne the Queen we missed out on? Former butler Paul Burrell certainly think so.

Princess Anne has been compared to her late mother, Queen Elizabeth for her dedication and hard work.

Paul Burrell has hailed Anne as the "best Queen we never had," according to what was quoted by Woman and Home.

Despite not being high in the line of succession, Princess Royal, the only sister of King Charles, remains significant and diligent member of the royal family.

Anne, who is the only daughter of the late Queen, has been carrying her mother's "mantle in many ways" as per Paul.

Paul said, "Anne is the best Queen we never had, because she is very much like Prince Philip, obviously has his mannerisms and his ways, but has her mother's heart, and that's why she works so hard and doesn't ask for anything in return, because that's her job, and she understands it."

As the second anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's passing approaches, the royal family is expected to mark the occasion privately.

"They'll go to church, and they'll all think about their mother, their grandmother, their aunt, or their queen," Burrell suggested.

He added, "And it didn't just affect the royal family, it affected the country and all the people that worked on the estate who loved her. So it's a very sombre, poignant time and it will be for many years to come."