Gal Gadot picks Margot Robbie side amid Ryan Reynolds rivalry: Source

Ryan Reynolds starred alongside Gal Gadot and Dwayne Johnson in movie 'Red Notice'

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Photo: Gal Gadot picks Margot Robbie side amid Ryan Reynolds rivalry: Source
Photo: Gal Gadot picks Margot Robbie side amid Ryan Reynolds rivalry: Source

Gal Gadot has reportedly lost patience with Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson.

According to an insider, “Gal wanted to make a Red Notice sequel pretty much as soon as she was done with the first movie and Dwayne and Ryan wanted to wait,” Life & Style.

This clash is their time preferences reportedly led Gal Gadot to choose working with Margot Robbie and Tom Ackerly instead.

“That wait turned into two years and Gal lost patience with Dwayne and Ryan, who had multiple other projects lined up,” the source dished.

The source even shared, “That’s precisely when Gal pivoted and started sucking up to Margot and Tom, who totally love her and are trying to find something to do with her,”

“Meanwhile, a Red Notice sequel is becoming more and more of a pipe dream by the day as Ryan and Dwayne service their other movie franchises,” the confidante revealed.

Conclusively, the source maintained, “Gal is done with those guys and truly sees the benefit of linking up with another famous female filmmaker, even one as busy as Margot is.”