Prince Harry living in fear and paranoia about Meghan Markle's life

Prince Harry is overwhelmed by fear and paranoia about his wife and her injuries

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Prince Harry living in fear and paranoia about Meghan Markles life
Prince Harry living in fear and paranoia about Meghan Markle's life

Prince Harry has been overwhelmed by fears about his wife Meghan Markle and the dangers that surround her as an in-law to Buckingham Palace.

Insight into all of this has been shared by an inside source that is well placed within the royal circle.

According to a report by OK magazine this inside source claims, “Harry is frightened and feels the only person who can do anything about it is his father.”

And as a result of these fears and concerns, “Harry is determined to protect his own family at all costs.”

This revelation has come, a couple of months after a separate insider stepped forward with Meghan’s take on the whole media lawsuit fiasco.

According to them, Meghan “supports Harry 100 percent, but she wishes he could let go of these lawsuits, be happy and live in the moment.”

At the end of the day, “she wants him to be free of all of this, but she also knows that because of everything he’s been through and his love for [her and their children], he can’t. She wants him to live in a world where he is not burdened by this.”