Queen Elizabeth branded ‘quite mad at the end' with ‘rude' encounters

Queen Elizabeth II branded insensitive and less considerate by a veteran actor

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Queen Elizabeth II was seemingly rude to veteran British actor Sir Ian McKellen on various occasions.

Speaking in an interview with the Times, the actor admitted that Her Majesty did not show him the respect and regard he deserved.

Sir Ian said: “The Queen, I’m sure she was quite mad at the end. And on the few occasions I met her she was quite rude,” he told The Times. “When I received a medal for acting (the Companion of Honour in 2008), she said, ‘You’ve been doing this for an awfully long time’.

“I said, ‘Well, not as long as you.’ I got a royal smile for that, but then she said, ‘Does anyone still actually go to the theatre?’.

“That’s bloody rude when you’re giving someone a medal for acting. It meant, ‘Does anyone care a f*** about you because I don’t. Now off you go!’”

The actor then went on to pick sides with as Prince Harry continues his rift with the Royal Family after exiting UK.

Sir Ian said: “I’m most definitely on Harry’s side.”