King Charles acting tone-deaf to public opinion

King Charles has just been blasted for the way he’s continuing to let Prince Andrew latch onto his apron strings

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King Charles acting tone-deaf to public opinion
King Charles acting tone-deaf to public opinion

King Charles has just been called out for his inability to move a hand against his little brother, that hanging onto his purse strings.

Comments against Prince Andrew have been issued by royal commentator and author Nathan Kay.

He weighed in on everything during one of his most recent pieces for Express UK.

In that piece he expressed his frustrations over the Palace’s continued leniency towards Prince Andrew.

“The royal purse strings have allegedly finally been cut, forcing the Duke of York to maintain his sprawling £30 million estate all by himself. God forbid a man having to pay for his own home!”

“That means finding funds for the hefty renovations Royal Lodge reportedly needs.”

For those unversed, the budget for this upkeep is around £400,000 a year and has left the expert to wonder “what on earth could be so costly at a reported - Diamond-studded roof tiles? Gold leaf paint?”

Regardless it’s become apparent that “somehow, Charles still finds it in his regal heart to keep throwing his brother lifelines, be it in the guise of occasional private allowances or an all-too-generous invitation to appear at public events” here and there.

But when it comes to the future of the Firm Mr Kay feels, “This is where the real issue lies,” because “cutting Andrew’s allowance is one thing; allowing him to linger at the royal table is another. His continued presence alongside the Firm serves as a stubborn reminder of the monarchy’s ability to be tone-deaf to public opinion.”