King Charles urged to kick out squatters from royal premises

King Charles has just been urged to kick out the ‘squatter’ that is around his royal lodge

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King Charles urged to kick out squatters from royal premises
King Charles urged to kick out squatters from royal premises

King Charles has just been called out for allowing his brother to be a squatter in the Royal Lodge “with all the grace of an unwanted houseguest.”

Comments about everything have been shared by royal commentator and author Nathan Kay.

He shared his thoughts in a piece for Express UK and began by saying that its “time for King Charles to finally show his younger brother the one thing no one in Prince Andrew’s life has ever dared to offer him before: the door.” “After all, how long can one man cling onto a 30-room palace like it’s the last lifeboat hanging from the Titanic?”

Knowing that “Prince Andrew, squatting in Royal Lodge with all the grace of an unwanted houseguest who has far outstayed his welcome, has become the monarchy's most embarrassing symbol of privilege and excess.”

In the eyes of Mr Kay, “The solution is simple: Charles must stop offering olive branches and start handing out eviction notices instead. Only then can the royals finally shake off Andrew’s long, controversial shadow.”