Palace takes drastic measures to ensure King Charles health ahead of major tour

Buckingham Palace plans extreme precautions for King Charles' health as he gears up for royal tour

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Palace takes drastic measures to ensure King Charles health ahead of major tour
Palace takes drastic measures to ensure King Charles health ahead of major tour

Buckingham Palace has taken bold measures to ensure that King Charles' health remains intact throughout his upcoming royal tour of Australia and Samoa.

According to a royal expert with inside knowledge, the monarch will take regular rest breaks during his forthcoming tour due to doctors’ orders.

Concerns about King Charles' health were raised when his doctors advised against a tour of New Zealand due to his cancer treatment.

Hence, to avoid any risks, the Palace has updated the King's royal tour program to accommodate his health needs, revealed royal correspondent Cameron Walker.

The monarch, who will be accompanied by his beloved wife Queen Camilla, is set to go on an eight-day tour from October 18 to 26, attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

Speaking on The Royal Record, Cameron shared the plan put in place by Palace officials for Charles for his tour. “It is the first long haul flight of King Charles and Queen Camilla since King Charles’ cancer diagnosis,” he said.

“I think there's two things to say on that,” the expert continued. “I think it's very clear from the information I received earlier this week that adaptations have been made.”

“For example, New Zealand has been canned. That was originally on the cards but on doctor's advice because of his cancer diagnosis, it was thought that it was not appropriate for him to go there.

“I understand there's also going to be rest breaks factored into the itinerary, the tour happening between the 18th and the 26th of October, suggesting again that the palace officials want to keep the King's energy levels up.

“Remember, they're both in their mid 70s.”