Kim Kardashian 'insecure about' THIS after Kanye West pregnancy: Source

Kim Kardashian shares a brood of four with former husband Kanye West

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Photo: Kim Kardashian insecure about THIS after Kanye West pregnancy: Source
Photo: Kim Kardashian 'insecure about' THIS after Kanye West pregnancy: Source

Kim Kardashian is reportedly getting insecure about how her body looks.

Spilling the beans on the matter, an insider shared with Life & Style that the beauty mogul is getting obsessive about her cleavage.

As per this source, “Kim’s always been blessed when it comes to her cleavage.”

They also mentioned, “But pregnancy definitely took a toll, after that she started obsessively worrying about them getting droopy and it’s only gotten worse since she hit her 40s.”

The confidante claimed that the mother of four is taking measures to prevent her body from getting “droopy” and “she sleeps in her bra most nights because she’s convinced it will stop them from sagging.”

They even revealed, “She has about ten different special lotions and serums she applies morning and night to keep the skin as tight as possible.”

“Her trainer has also given her a bunch of chest exercises to help keep her boobs perky and she does them every time she works out,” the insider also shared with the outlet.

“She takes it much further than that and gets [platelet-rich plasma] facials done on her chest once a month and she’s had laser treatments on her chest, too,” they remarked in conclusion of the topic.