Prince Harry, Meghan Markle's close friend shares insight into their life at home

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's relationship has been plagued with rumors of the Duchess being overpowering

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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s relationship dynamic laid bare by close friend

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s close pal has shared insight into the couple’s dynamic.

Prince Harry’s close friend of eight years dubbed the Sussexes “a pretty ­ordinary ­couple,” while hailing the Duke’s enormous "reach across the world."

British journalist Bryony Gordon, who’s been friends with the couple since 2016, wrote her opinion about them in a piece for the Mail: "Eight years ago I became friends with Prince Harry, and ever since life has been peppered with questions from people curious to know more about his character: has he been brainwashed, is he intent on bringing down the monarchy, does he smell of money, and so on and so forth.”

She continued: " I’ve heard a lot of fairly negative things said about him, character assassinations that bear no resemblance to the man I’ve come to count as a friend, the one who cares passionately about injured veterans, and who’s done more than most to change perceptions of mental health in this country."

The journalist sang praise of the Duke of Sussex for his efforts to battle the stigma around mental health by launching The Heads Together campaign in May 2016. The campaign was then led by Harry, William and Kate Middleton.

Gordon also shared insight into the couple’s life at home, writing: "I spent an afternoon at the house, the kids running around happily as we drank tea. Harry proudly showed me the DIY photo wall he’d recently ­created, featuring pictures of his mum.”

She added: "When I left, packed off by the happy couple with a jar of their homemade jam (which I then left in the back of a taxi in a ­jet-lagged stupor; somewhere in Los ­Angeles, a cab driver has one of the earliest batches of ­American Riviera Orchard’s ­produce), I was reminded of the fact that they are a pretty ­ordinary ­couple existing in an absolutely ­extraordinary situation."