Kevin Smith recalls 'bona fide' death threats received over 'Dogma'

'Dogma' was released in November 1999

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Kevin Smith recalls bona fide death threats received over Dogma
Kevin Smith recalls 'bona fide' death threats received over 'Dogma'

Kevin Smith remembered “bona fide” death threats he received for his work in the 1999 movie Dogma.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the 54-year-old director revealed he received a total of "400,000 pieces of hate mail and three bona fide death threats” from the viewers who were offended by the comedy film.

Recalling one of the horrible things, Kevin said, "You Jews better take that money you stole from us and start investing in flak jackets, because we're coming in there with shotguns."

"The movie had a rubber poop monster in it," laughed the writer. "Can you imagine getting that irate over a movie with a rubber poop monster? I hope whoever wrote that, that missive found peace. Sounds like they ran for Congress."

Days before its release in November 1999, the film faced backlash over the religious-themed comedy. Speaking with the outlet then, Kevin revealed that he received one letter “comparing me to Hitler.”