Prince Harry ‘fuss free' entry to UK requires ‘ribbon cutting'

Prince Harry told to steer clear of trouble if he is welcomed back to the UK

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Prince Harry might be able to earn his former reputation back with Briton if he stays alert..

The Duke of Sussex is told he is in a pair on to re-achieve the trust of his people if he quietly decides to come back to his homeland.

Writing for Evening Standard, Luciana Bellini notes: “An old friend of Harry’s has suggested that if he came back to the UK with ‘zero fuss, zero publicity and attends very mundane events, he could prove himself and win over the British public again.’”

She further quoted the insider: “He would have to accept that he might be reduced to ribbon-cutting for a long time.”

Ms Bellini adds: “Many would argue that the ‘zero fuss’ approach doesn’t exactly seem to be in the Sussexes’ wheelhouse right now. But whether it would take a gradual, low-key approach or a grand gesture on Harry’s behalf, the fact remains that as things stand, the royal family seems to be in no position to welcome him back into the fold.”

This comes as Royal expert Kinsey Schofield labelled Harry too ‘destructive ’

“Harry has been too destructive and selfish over the last few years for senior members of the royal family to welcome him back,” says Schofield. “Harry and Meghan's actions have been ruthless and cruel. The family is not interested in their drama.”