Prince Harry Biblical vengeance to strike again against Buckingham Palace

Prince Harry is at risk of sparking his Biblical vengeance once again

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Prince Harry Biblical vengeance to strike again against Buckingham Palace
Prince Harry Biblical vengeance to strike again against Buckingham Palace

Experts fear Prince Harry is at risk of taking some massively Biblical-like vengeance against his family.

Comments about all that has been laid to rest among the royals and their rift with Prince Harry, royal commentator Rebecca English got candid with it all.

She addressed the entire thing in a piece for the Daily Mail, and in the ‘Biblical wrath’ of the Duke was a hot topic.

It started with Ms English saying, “turning 40 may prompt him to reflect on his life but, astonishingly, they believe Harry remains hurt and angry that no one is begging him to come back into the royal fold – and this is yet another impasse to any rapprochement in the near future.”

“For their part, some in Royal circles admit that the Palace machinery didn’t handle the whole ‘Sussex situation’ terribly well – at the same time, strongly emphasising that it’s actually rather hard to help a couple who make everything so ‘exhaustingly difficult’, seeing conspiracy at every turn.”

All in all Ms English believes, “Indeed, the situation got so bad that many believe leaving Britain was the right thing for the prince to do.”

However the biggest issue was “the way Harry went about cutting ties, his laser-focused determination to wreak an almost Biblical vengeance on his family, the determination to spill his guts at any cost, that has truly ruptured bonds with those – both family and friends – who once loved and doted on him, Ms English added before signing off.