Prince Harry is becoming nothing to Meghan Markle

Prince Harry has been relegated down to the bottom rung of the ladder experts fear

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Prince Harry is becoming nothing to Meghan Markle

Prince Harry is rumored to have been related really far down the bottom rung of the ladder, because of his dwindling need, in the eyes of Meghan.

Royal biographer and commentator Angela Levin made these admissions public in relation to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

She began her conversation with the outlet by noting just how badly the dynamic is between Prince Harry and Meghan.

She weighed in on everything during an interview with The Sun and there she explained how Harry’s gone from being in his older brother’s shadow to discontent without it.

“You could say Harry is not even the spare to his wife. He’s almost nothing,” Ms Levin began by explaining in her chat.

Before concluding she also pointed out that “she (Meghan) treats him horrendously,” as well, and proof of it can be seen in the African and Colombian tour because “if you look at the filming of them in Colombia and Africa, he is not asked anything. He’s pushed out of the way.”

For those unversed this is in relation to rumors that Prince Harry is working as hard as possible to get back into the royal fold.

Per an insider who sat with the same outlet, its believed that, “Harry is increasingly feeling isolated in California, which is why he’s been reaching out to old friends in the UK.”

“The trip to Colombia also emphasized how easily Meghan takes center stage, while Harry seems withdrawn and visibly unhappy in the background.”