Prince Harry, Meghan Markle face neighbours flak

Reports say neighbours of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are disappointed in them

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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle face neighbours flak
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle face neighbours flak

After disputes, Prince Harry and his family left the royal palace and shifted to California in 2020. However, here too, alleged differences started to appear.

These problems have to do with their neighbours, who reportedly is “fed up" with them and also hoping the pair should go somewhere else.

A neighbour of the duo, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the matter, told The Daily Express that they "cannot wait for her [Meghan Markle] to go."

Another neighbour of the couple, Frank McGinity, who said he tried to help the royal family by giving them a walkthrough of the area to make them adjust to the area, was rebuffed from their gates.

According to, the security detail of the Duke of Sussex "turned him away," claiming, the pair are "not interested" in the help he brought.

Some of the neighbours have an issue with Harry and Meghan about their lack of appearance in public.

Voicing their disappointment, Richard Mineards told The Telegraph, the 40-year-old was often spotted with his security while his wife also did not see in the streets.

These behaviours of Harry and Meghan, Richard said, made some of their neighbours disappointed as they are "waiting for them" and "gnashing at the bit".