Legal hawks give strict orders to 'Baby Reindeer' team

Reports say the 'Baby Reindeer' team was strictly told Fiona Harvey was a no-go topic

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Legal hawks give strict orders to Baby Reindeer team
Legal hawks give strict orders to 'Baby Reindeer' team 

In the face of a $170 million lawsuit, the team of Baby Reindeer has been given strict orders not to talk about the matter during the 2024 Emmy Awards.

These instructions were issued by lawyers after the real-life Martha dragged the Netflix show to the court for making untrue claims.

Sources told The Mirror that the team of the hit series largely followed the advice despite several questions to them to address the off-screen controversy.

PR advisors, the reports say, requested the media not bring up the topic of 'Fiona Harvey' — the alleged stalker — the show was based on.

At one point, Richard Gadd, the series creator, was asked about the problems the black-comedy drama was facing, to which he reacted, "I cannot really speak about it because that is part of a wider legal case I am afraid."

In the meantime, Baby Reindeer was nominated for 11 nominations at the Emmy Awards and won four of them.