Dolly Parton joins hands with sister for new project

Dolly Parton and her younger sister reportedly contributed to a new project together

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Photo: Dolly Parton joins hands with sister for new project
Photo: Dolly Parton joins hands with sister for new project

Dolly Parton and her younger sister Rachel Parton George have reportedly compiled a new cookbook.

According to People, the duo has published a cookbook named, Good Lookin' Cookin': A Year of Meals, honoring the recipes which made their childhood memorable.

Weighing on this project, Dolly shared with People Magazine, “We'd have to climb up on the chairs to peel potatoes, turnips or whatever.”

“We were really helping out when Mama was not well, or in bed with a kid or having a new baby or whatever... so my first [lesson] came out of just really being a necessity of us helping mom as the older girls,” the singing sensation added.

She even claimed that she learnt how to cook out of necessity, “We were really helping out when Mama was not well, or in bed with a kid or having a new baby or whatever.”

Conclusively, Dolly maintained, “So my first [lesson] came out of just really being a necessity of us helping mom as the older girls.”