King Charles remembers 80 years of sacrifice in Operation Market Garden

King Charles shares heartfelt message on 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

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King Charles remembers 80 years of sacrifice in Operation Market Garden
King Charles remembers 80 years of sacrifice in Operation Market Garden

King Charles honoured the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden, a key military effort launched in 1944.

The message shared on the Royal Family's official Instagram handle, emphasizes the enduring connections forged between Dutch people and their liberators during a pivotal moment in World War II.

King Charles remembers 80 years of sacrifice in Operation Market Garden

The King stated, "Eighty years ago, on this very weekend, Operation Market Garden was underway in this region of the Netherlands."

"An ambitious joint airborne and ground forces operation designed to seize crucial bridges to enable the advance into Germany, its ultimate aim was to end the war within a matter of months," he added.

Highlighting that the descendants of those who fought side by side now stand together in defense of freedom across Europe, King stated, "The friendships made during those difficult days of September 1944 between the Dutch and their liberators continued after the war. I saw this for myself five years ago when, as Colonel in Chief of the Parachute Regiment, I attended the 75th anniversary commemorations."

"Today, on this 80th anniversary, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and humility that we remember all those in the British, Allied and Commonwealth forces who served and died fighting for our freedom," the message read.

"Let us also remember those magnificently courageous members of the Dutch resistance and gallant civilians who endured so much during the Second World War."

King Charles stressed the importance of remembrance, saying, "We will never forget the heroism and sacrifice made by so many in the pursuit of peace and liberation. My wife joins me in sending warmest possible good wishes to all those taking part in this weekend of commemoration."