Harry Styles' sister Gemma reveals shocking mental health struggles

Harry Styles' sister, Gemma, finds comfort in sharing her book about her mental health journey with him

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Harry Styles sister Gemma reveals shocking mental health struggles
Harry Styles' sister Gemma reveals shocking mental health struggles

Gemma Styles, sister of Harry Styles, has opened up about her mental health struggles.

In her book Why Am I Like This?, Gemma shares about her battle with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Gemma reveals her depression began in her mid-20s and got very severe that she even considered suicide. "I didn't actively want to die... but I so badly wanted to opt out of what my life had become that it boiled down to the same longing," she writes explaining the sadness she felt.

According to a report by Mirror, Gemma admitted, "talking about my life, or childhood, or family means talking about people who the outside world are, let's just say, very curious about."

However, she found comfort in sharing her book with Harry, who was the first person outside the publishing team to read it.

"But it was nice for it to be a family member and someone who I trust and also who I knew would be kind to me about it," Gemma said.

In addition to depression, Gemma also shared that she was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago, which brought "comfort - just in terms of having some answers and a different level of understanding of myself."

Gemma recalls how watching an influencer’s video on Instagram prompted her to seek help. She described that it was "like reading a story of my life."